
Nov 3 - 5, 2000

 Our Travel Experience

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Our Travel Experience

We ended up having to rent a car to get to Andorra. It turned out very well since we were able to reach high-up places int eh mountains that we otherwise would not have seen. 
We never planned to arrive in Andorra on Seth's birthday. We wanted to stay over in Montserrat, but the only hotel that was open was full. We thus spent less than an hour in what we thought was going to be our next destination. We did meet a friendly cat while waiting for the next train. He enjoyed the cookies that Seth didn't care for. 
The first surprise in Andorra was waking up to see Doraemon on television! Tara loves Doraemon and it was a great surprise. 

The second surprise in Andorra was learning that Seth had spent over 100 US Dollars trying to connect to the Internet from the hotel. A maid from the hotel actually knocked on our door and asked us about our telephone usage since there were so many calls of less than 1 minute in duration. At least it was not all in vain. He did finally get us connected up via AOL in the morning. 

We went on a lovely mountain drive. 
The road we followed was very nicely paved and well marked, but at many points, we could have hurled off into nothingness if Seth wasn't paying attention. 
Our first stop was to listen to some cows wearing bells chewing on grass. Those were the only two sounds we could hear: bells and grass being chewed. 
In between the 9th and 10th km on the way down, we stopped at a spot with excellent view.   




We knew we were back in civilization when we reached a little village with quaint rock houses and cooped chickens. 


We happened across four black kitties when we were wandering around town after lunch. 

Category Rating Comments
Overall Experience -
Ease of Journey -
Accommodation -
Activities -
Coolness -
Tourist Info

Andorra is a 4 hour bus ride from Barcelona
Or a 6.5 hour train + bus ride from Barcelona

Hotel Pol in  Sant Julia de Loria