Our Neighborhood

Restaurants - Pubs - Shopping - Theatre - Imperial College - Goethe Institute

We loved living in South Kensington. The location was very convenient to everywhere we wanted to go: work, restaurants, shopping, theatre, Heathrow! Here are some of our favorite places:

We love eating out and had a wide choice of places to go within just a few minutes walk. However, once we found our favorite places, we tended to go back to them as we enjoyed them so much!
Pieroni's Pizza
Bosphorus Kebabs
The Indian Place

We will miss the feel of going into an English pub even though we're not big drinkers. Our favorite pub was in a residential neighborhood across the street from Harrod's. It was a place we always tried to take visiting friends.

We tended to head to the King's Road the most for shoppings. However, we did visit the local shops on Old Brompton Road and of course, Harrod's and Knightsbridge was l;ess than a 10 minute walk.

We went to many performances at the Royal Albert Hall since it was only a 10 minute walk away. Often, we were running late for the performance, so we'd take a taxi to the show, but we'd always walk home. It was very enjoyable.

Imperial College
We arrived in London on Guy Fawke's Night 1995. As we were moving into our flat the next day, we decided to walk around our neighborhood to try to find a fireworks display. Hyde Park seemed like a good place to have fireworks, so we walked there first. We didn't find any in Hyde Park, but on our way back; we did find some at the Imperial College. There fireworks were like none we'd ever seen. The difference wasn't in the fireworks themselves, but in the manner in which they were being set off. It seemed like just a couple of student up on the roof of their dorm. We were watching huge fireworks explode just above our heads. The falling debris became so heavy that we ducked under the balcony of the student health service to avoid it.

Tara also enjoyed the Imperial College Sports Centre. The 50 meter pool was her favorite pastime. Swimming before work since the Sports Centre opened at 7am was very convenient.

Tara also investigating the Masters programs available at Imperial. Many people from work had gotten degrees from there and it was dubbed "the MIT of Britian", so Tara thought it would be good to apply for the one-year Masters of Finance program. She was accidemically accepted for the 1997-1998 school year, but was put on a waiting list as there were no spaces left. After much waiting, she gave up attending and agreed to transfer to another job in the Bank. As fate would have it, after she had commited to her new job, she got a call saying that there was a spot. oh well.

Goethe Institute
Tara had travelled to Zurich for years without speaking a word of German. In Chicago, she did take a 6 week Discovery Center course, but that was very limited. One day, as she was walking by the Goethe Institute, she decided to ask about classes. Her timing & the class timing was perfect! Registration for the new year was starting that exact same day and there was a beginning course on Wednesdays - the night Seth played volleyball. She signed up and continued studying there until we left London.

Still under construction as of October 1998.